Everything You Need To Know About Alzheimer’S Disease
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 27, 2018

The Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that is characterized by the impairment of memory over time. There are two types of Alzheimer’s disease; early-onset Alzheimer’s and late-onset Alzheimer’s. At first, an individual will begin to face disturbances and problems during reasoning, planning, perceiving, and even speaking in a language that they have always used. This is because an Alzheimer’s patient may not be able to remember events that took place recently but will surprisingly recall past events from several years ago.
The Alzheimer’s disease can lead the patient to even forget their family and friends. They begin to lose focus and forget basic things such as where they placed something, how they dress themselves, how to eat meals, and the basic way to use the toilet. When Alzheimer’s disease affects an individual, they are not likely to live for more than a few years or decades.
Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging but older people who are over the age of 65 years are at a greater risk of developing it. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, a huge population of the country under the age of 65 years experiences younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Women are more likely to suffer from the disease than men.
There is no reason as to why certain people get Alzheimer’s disease and some don’t. The disease is found to be caused by excess production or accumulation of a protein called beta-amyloid plaques that build up in the brain, thereby leading to nerve cell death. Another possible reason includes the tangling of nerve cells, which is also known as neurofibrillary tangles. Genes are found to play a big role in the disease development. People whose family members have suffered or suffer from Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to have it. Scientists and medical researchers continue to work on the theories that are related to the development and growth of the Alzheimer’s disease.
Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
If an individual is noticed to have the following symptoms, seeking medical intervention at the earliest is necessary.
- Problem in vision or clearly viewing certain text and judging the distance ahead
- Constant misplacement of regular objects
- A sudden change in the personality and behavior
- Decreased ability of judgment
- Problems during conversing and writing
- Inability to deal with social activities
With age, it is normal to forget certain things on some occasions. One must not panic because even the youth is likely to be forgetful sometimes.
Diagnosis and treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease cannot be diagnosed with the use of different blood tests and imaging tests that are normally used in the case of certain diseases. The condition is diagnosed after the doctor goes through the medical history, gets a mental status or rules out other brain diseases to explain dementia.
The treatment for Alzheimer’s disease includes medication and therapies to minimize the symptoms and make the person feel comfortable. The main aim is to develop social and healthcare needs to make a streamlined plan for the future.
Medical treatment – For patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a number of medications are prescribed to improve the symptoms and slower the rate of the progression. Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and memantine may be prescribed to the patients. The type of medication prescribed will depend on the stage of the Alzheimer’s disease. The types of symptoms will also drive the choice of medication. Sometimes, one patient might respond well to a certain AChe inhibitor but it may not work on another. Regular assessments should be undergone to check how well a patient is responding to the given medication. There are several side-effects that come with medications and they include diarrhea, headache, and dizziness. The doctor will be able to enlighten the patient on the types of symptoms that will be experienced with a drug.
No-medical treatment – Supportive measures are necessary to get the best out of medical treatments, and they work in combination. Maximum effort is taken to make the patient as independent as possible. Therapies are used to help one develop ways to remind themselves of an important task. Devices or systems are used to maintain the safety of a person with Alzheimer’s disease.
Behavioral therapies, music and art therapies, relaxation therapies such as yoga and meditation will make a huge difference.
As Alzheimer’s is a progressive condition, the symptoms will worsen over time. In the beginning, the memory loss is mild and becomes worse with advanced stages. Treatment cannot cure but is necessary to reduce the severe effects of the condition. Living a healthy lifestyle and receiving support from loved ones will go a long way in helping the patient strongly face the perilous disease.